A Holistic Approach to Menopause

Language: English

Country: Denmark

Date and Time (Local): 19 September 2023 – 10H00


Suzanne was a nurse from 1978 to 1990. In 1983 she qualified as a reflexologist and opened her Reflexology school in 1990. In 1996 Suzanne qualified as a trainer in the Bach International
Education Program in Scandinavia.

Suzanne teaches One Point Reflexology where she combines reflexology with other effective tools to treat the clients in a true holistic way. She also the clients as having 4 bodies: The Physical, the
Etheric, the Emotional and the Lower Mental body must all be nourished to gain health.

Suzanne teaches that beyond the personality’s 4 bodies you are a soul with a purpose and the abilities to heal. She now offers online courses in English One Point Reflexology and Bach Education
Level 1 (approved by the Bach Centre).



The lecture will discuss how to combine reflexology for menopause problems with the 5 element
laws, Bach Flower Remedies for the emotions and the types of food that women 40 + should eat.