ICR Membership
Membership in the ICR
With each day and especially with social media, the world is shrinking and we must think globally on all levels, including our professional level. The mission of ICR is to meet the needs of the Reflexology profession by providing a global forum for the exchange of ideas and information; convening biennial international conferences; social media; and promoting its initiative World Reflexology Week.
Reflexologists from countries all over the world have the opportunity to meet and exchange information. ICR’s vision is larger than any one area of the world and is an organization reflexologists globally can contribute their work to.
At Conferences, through the Newsletter and Facebook, sharing is welcomed. There is no one right way of thought. There is no one right technique. You are invited and encouraged to share what works for you or ask what works for others.
ICR has taken the lead with World Reflexology Week (WRW) in designing a vehicle in which reflexologists can act locally while producing a global impact. ICR acts as an impartial clearinghouse for much-needed research information.
Be part of the greater vision and join ICR today for various reasons:
As an Individual:
Learn from leaders and members around the world about how they work and what is going on in their country.
Participate in WRW where you are.
As a Teacher:
Have a broader view of the reflexology world to share with your students.
Have articles published in our international Newsletter.
As an Association:
Board or Committee Members are informed about international standards and events.
A source for articles for your newsletter.
A place to share work and events from your country and association.
Editors, Writers, Researchers:
Be published in our Newsletter.
Find inspiration, information
Benefits for all:
Quarterly Newsletter
Discounts on Conference fees and other materials

Membership fees
Current members will need to login under the members login to renew.
Membership Type
Membership ENQUIRIES
142 Edmonds Road,
Durban 4001
Fax only: +27 31 206 0600