ICR, in co-operation with ARCB and Definition Reflexology, hosted the first International Reflexology Teachers Conference. The conference took place on the 16th February 2020 and it was a round table conference over Zoom Meetings. The conference was held in English and the program included: Definition, Axioms and Contra-indications in Reflexology and the Organization of Teachers.
ICR wanted to make the conference accessible to more teachers so we replicated the conference in two more languages, French and Spanish. The interest in participation and the possibility of being able to share knowledge and discuss new topics has led to the initial number of 10 countries and 14 teachers increasing to 24 countries and 62 teachers.
If you are interested in attending these conferences please send a email to: marketing@icr-reflexology.org

Teachers will have the following benefits:
Access to join the online Teacher’s Meetings that are currently held in English, Spanish and French
Be part of the Initiative – Common Reflexology Definition
Exclusive access to the Teacher’s Page on the ICR Website
Find inspiration, information and facts in the ICR quarterly newsletters
Communicate with reflexologists from around the world to stay up to date with what is happening on a global level to share with your students
Access to global statistics on Educational Standards
Share your knowledge and Case Studies with your colleagues
Participate in World Reflexology Week, an ICR initiative
Have articles published in the ICR Newsletter
Become a member of the Teachers Committee
Have the opportunity to launch your books on the “BOOK CLUB” on the ICR website and be able to share it with reflexologists and students from around the world.
Participate in exciting ICR Projects
Discounted Conference fees