Life lessons learned as a Reflexologist

Language: English

Country: Australia

Date and Time (local): 23 September 2023 : 10H00


Gretel studied metaphysics with a Master for eleven years prior to becoming a Holistic Healer. She is passionate about holistic healing, emotional wellbeing and helping people to tap into their own
innate healing ability. She trained in complementary therapies at the Nature Care College in Sydneyand holds Diplomas in Reflexology, Remedial Massage, Meditation Facilitation, Holistic Wellness
Coaching, Reiki and has a Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment.

After graduating as a Reflexologist in 2007 Gretel gained experience as a volunteer Reflexologist treating cancer patients at the Sanitarium Hospital in Wahroonga. Then from 2013 until 2021 Gretel was contracted as a Clinical Reflexologist in the Supportive Care and Integrative Medicine program at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, a designated cancer care hospital in Sydney. She has treated and witnessed all the physical, mental and emotional side effects that patients experience during their cancer treatment. Gretel is currently a trainer at the Nature Care College in Sydney teaching Aromatherapy and runs a private Reflexology, Meditation and Reiki practice.

Gretel has presented as a key note speaker for the Reflexology Associations of Australia, New Zealand and Canada and the International Council of Reflexologists.


Life lessons learned from my journey to study Reflexology and evolving into a Reflexologist specialising in Oncology care.

I will dive deep into :-
1. Following your inner guidance;
2. How the power of thoughts and emotions affects your health;
3. Healing is an inside job and we all have the innate ability to heal ourselves;
4. Personal evolution and transformation occurs by embracing change into your life;
5. Spiritual health being at the core of great health;
6. Never ever give up!