Lone Sorensen, is a pioneer to a method similar to Reflexology called Temprana-Reflex Therapy. These techniques have been developed by her and inspired of ancient techniques from different cultures. Always with the aim to offer very effective and natural methods to promote health and aid in rehabilitation.

Lone began in 1978 to develop her concept and has been selected by O.M.H.S in Argentina, receiving 3 honors for her work with disabled children. More than a thousand children have been able to benefit from the Rehabilitation Reflex Therapy Parents Home training program she established in 1988. Lone has fought a tireless battle, traveling and teaching around the World to give hopeless parents and people with health problems new tools to change their lives.

Lone has led many projects, among others, in the Amazon jungle in Argentina, Guatemala, Nicaragua, in the Desert of Oman and in Denmark. Neuro Reflex therapy sorensensistem TM has been developed since 1978 by the Danish reflexologist Lone Sorensen. Her techniques and methods and Temprana Reflex Rehabilitation, which incorporates her unique Face Reflexology techniques combined with Neuro-Foot and Hand reflexology, have worldwide recognition. Reflexology sorensensistem TM has been established in 21 countries over the 5 continents with more than 11,000 certified therapists.

Neuro Reflexology is a natural new generation of holistic therapy suitable for all ages, women, men and children.