I love journeys, don't you? They lead us to places unknown, offering up unexpected discoveries and new adventures.

A 'pilgrimage' is a journey with a purpose, often reflecting an inward search of spiritual significance. A 'pilgrimage of wellness through Reflexology' is one of the most sacred journeys we, as reflexologists, can undertake - both for ourselves, and for the clients who come our way. I would like to share with you a recent discovery from my own exploration involving the workings of our body, brain and psyche - a new way of seeing how the three aspects of our Selves respond brilliantly to unanticipated events, which can catch us off guard, throwing a wrench in our lives. This knowledge can help your clients in dealing better with illness. In my own practice, I have found it can open up interesting dialogues with those clients who are curious about the workings of their brain-body-mind.

In this way of thinking, known as the New Medicine or Germanic New Medicine ('GNM'), what some of us call 'disease' is referred to as 'a special biological program of nature', designed for our survival, rather than for our demise. What this approach offers us is the removal, or lessening, of fear in our lives, especially around a diagnosis of disease.

Once we understand that our brains are actually hard wired for survival, we can change our perceptions of disease. Awareness is key. Knowledge of GNM helps shed light on the subject of why some people get sick and others don't, and why, when illness strikes, your body is not 'the enemy', nor does it betray you in any way - au contraire! Our species would not have survived this far in its evolution without our brains having integrated special biological programs. These programs are designed to help us not only survive, but thrive. It is our inherent nature to adapt to a given situation. With each adaptation, the solution is imbedded in our cells and transmitted to future generations.

Because the subject is vast and space is limited here, I will share with you only some highlights of GNM theory:

Ilsedora Labker, GNM Teachers, says:
The Spanish have coined a term for the New Medicine. They call it "La Medicina Sagrada", the Sacred Medicine. Disease is not a meaningless "error" of nature or biology, but a special program created by nature over millions of years of evolution to allow organisms to override everyday functioning and deal with emergency situations. If understood correctly, these programs provide the individual and group with a way to deal with circumstances that are out of the ordinary.

GNM gives us tools to understand why we manifest certain illnesses at certain times in our lives. Understanding these symptoms, helping the client to understand their symptoms, leads to a reduction of fear around it and opens the door to finding the right solution to the conflict we are experiencing.

To summarize, the source of both disease and of healing is in our minds. Each person who comes to us seeking relief from pain, or solace through healing touch, comes at a key moment in their lives. Through Reflexology, we are tuning into their life experience to date, imprinted on the many nerve pathways reflected through the geography of their feet. It is, for us, a privilege to uncover and explore with them the fascinating stories their feet can tell of their journey thus far. If we listen carefully, we might even be instrumental in helping them understand their journey, dispel fear, and get back on the road to wellness again.

La Medicine Sens Dessus Dessous - et si Hamer avait Raison? 2 e edition. Amrita by Giorgio Mambretti and Jean Seraphin